What Is Fyziklani About?

Fyziklani is a physics team competition for high school students (or equivalent) interested in physics and solving interesting problems. Teams consist of up to five students (from the maximum of two schools). Their task is to solve as many problems as possible in the given time limit of three hours. Each team begins with the same seven problems. For each solved problem, they get a new, usually more difficult one. Any high school student or motivated primary school student can take part. Since 2018, it is possible to compete also in the English language and foreign teams can participate as well.

We would happily invite over 250 teams to this year's competition.

Who Is Behind the Competition?

Fyziklani is held on behalf of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University (CUNI MFF) and Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic (MEYS). Organizers are mostly students of CUNI MFF, assembled in FYKOS. FYKOS also holds the online version of the competition – Physics Brawl Online, camps for best participants of the internet physics competition, excursions and other similar events.

Organizers Other FYKOS events

When and Where Will It Take Place?

Fyziklani will take place 14. 02. 2025. Just like last years, we will meet at PVA EXPO Praha in Prague, Czech Republic. The hall is located near (0.5 km) the final station of metro C line „Letňany“.

Schedule of the Competition
Team Arrival at PVA EXPO

You can enter the premises from exactly 8:45 a.m.

Opening Ceremony

Ceremonial opening of the competition and demonstration of the rules.

Announcement of Results
Joint Photo Shoot of the Winners

What if I Want to Stay Longer in Prague?

Besides the competition, you can look forward to a rich accompanying program full of lectures, excursions and much more. Details can be found on the dedicated page.

Accompanying Program